Jon Roseman and Pete Hodgson serve up some epic footage of Cloudbreak and Tavarua with their GoPro HD!
Music: The Tavarua Singers
Jon Roseman and Pete Hodgson serve up some epic footage of Cloudbreak and Tavarua with their GoPro HD!
Music: The Tavarua Singers
Love that!! I’m having a beating of a time editing/rendering my to upload in HD to Youtube. It only shows up as 480p. Any ideas?
Using .MP4 converter and Adobe Premiere….
Wow. Why does this look 100x more HD than any other Go Pro video?
sweet, would love to see a pure kiteboarding movie from the gopro team soon! Would be really inspiring on where to place the camera for good shots
@silistylefly Thought I had set the parameters of 1920×1280 in the converter and Premiere. When I uploaded it to Youtube though, it came out as 480p 🙁
i would love them to upload a go pro video of longboarding downhill, would be sick and its a great way to get people into longboarding!
@jgauti Well the camera produces .MP4, but Adobe does not read .MP4 as video….It only sees it as audio, so I have to convert it from .MP4 to .MOV, then import into Adobe. From there I built the video project and rendered as .WMV. Should I have rendered back to .MOV?
wow i always wonder what a surfers perspective would be like
wow he got pitted, so pitted
@jgauti I’ll sure try that! Workin on it right now 🙂
@rekjavicxxx Hey mate you can use Sony Vegas to edit MP4 and keep the highest quality 🙂
@huzey Thanks man! I’ve been working with it this evening with Premiere and I think I’ve got it figured out. Did a test upload to Youtube and it showed 1080 as a resolution option 🙂
ive been waiting for you guys to do another surf video
so yaaaay! thanx dudes
Funny melody
@zacguitarful …Jon just likes his leash on the front foot, no switch stance, he is a goofy foot…
Thanks everyone, stoked you like the footage! If you want to see more surfers using GoPro HD cameras in surf around the world check out my HodgsonHawaii channel. There will be more kiteboarding, longboarding, skateboarding, stand up surfing and a lot of board sports besides surfing coming out in the next few months too. Feel free to subscribe..after all it is free..thanks Pete
@3ViLxxLiV3 ..rainx…
@3ViLxxLiV3 they recomment a beading product so that the water rolls straight off “rain x” or somerthing
how did ya attach the camera to the board?
How come his front foot is the one with the strap? Isn’t it generally the back foot?
I’m 15, and i’m going to buy thise for my dad/bro and most importantly myself… This looks like such a nifty camera 🙂
sounds like Russion chyastushka
@rozuell .just get the GoPro rozuell!!!!!..
@wowgenex thanks!..
@kRaKaLaKeR you pull in and you like just get spit right out
huge, wonderful, marvelous!
watch out for sharks xD
@kRaKaLaKeR and spit right out
Is the first barrel switch? Just because of the leash.
The camera is simply amazing, and Kitesurfing is awesome!
which cam this?
@KrishnaLoveMe LOL
@Sammyboi700 haha noticed that too
whatever the camera’s mounted on (probably sitting on a pole, hence the angle), the leggie would be probably wrapping around it or something. thats probably why he’s wearing it on the other leg.
1:35…. Holy shit was that a jump? Was he in the air that hole time? xD
@toddy1425 respect the culture
Beware of great white sharks…
This is fucking sick.
This camera is amazing, i have been using it on the Severn bore for a year now and have been amazed with the results. You can see some of them on my channel.
@GoProCamera well said
i dream of surfing water where i dont have to wear a wetsuit 🙂
@ttoosh Most people around me wear a westsuit and I don’t bother… sure its a bit cold, but in the heat MAN its refreshing!
Though I might be a polar bear compared to some I guess 😛
I wish i could surf all day everyday!
@cheeseycoon no its not.. its called kytesurfing buddy
Hey mate, im a keen surfing thats thnking of geting the HD Gopro cam… would you recomend it?. allso how is it conected to your board (in the start that is). Thanks
Great video by the way! keep it up love to see more.
What is the name the song?
i find that after having watched go pro videos most other surfing videos just arent as good
Hey I’m a fijian who lives in Sweden 😛
there was a gopro ad 😛
@GoProCamera Ok so i have a few questions. Would the surf one work on rc cars but i would just have to buy a new mount or could it stick to my helmet just needs a new mount ? I like to paintball and stuff but im only 14 so i cant splash out lots of money on 3 different cameras. You understand? Also how does the water stay off the lense.
God damn. He was slotted
@ZiiPoP96 They’re all the same camera. So you could just get a grab bag of mounts.
@kimsterjizznugget Oh thanks man that is great advice thanks you saved me lots of money ;D
@GoProCamera can you buy all the accessories in one package?
Who wouldn’t like this video? It’s awesome and I so wish I had surf like that near me I’d be there everyday. One day for sure ill be surfing like that 🙂
his leash is on the wrong foot. or his he doing this switch?
wow last comment was 3 years ago until me O,O
Dat ass