On this dive it was noticeable that the Fiddler rays sighted were not only increasing in numbers but were all males. It seemed that one lone female was the main attraction.
The collective noun for a group of Rays is ” Fever”
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On this dive it was noticeable that the Fiddler rays sighted were not only increasing in numbers but were all males. It seemed that one lone female was the main attraction.
The collective noun for a group of Rays is ” Fever”
Beautiful work yet again. What is going on here? It looks like an aggregation of males around a female at the end. Was there any baiting involved?
Well observed.You are correct one lone large female seem to be attracting all the males. A friend was fishing for Gars above so there would have been some affect but early in the dive it was noticeable that the Fiddler rays building up were all males.
Beautiful camera work